Monday, March 11, 2013

NET News 3/11/2013

NET Students "Master" School Values

In this edition of NET Charter News, we focus on one of our school's 4 values: Mastery.

Here at the NET we define mastery as believing that "we can achieve amazing things when we hold each other accountable for ambitious levels of growth." 

Below you'll read about how one NET student's internship has helped to make his life more successful and how other NET students are looking to him as an example.

You'll also read a student's review of a recent field trip and how he feels it helped students grow and increase their levels of confidence.

Internships are a great way to build your skills and to get you to the level of "mastery" that you want. In the Career & Internship Zone, check out photos of two young interns mastering new levels of art. 

Click here to here the full newsletter.